Thank You To Our 2024 Sponsors
Benefits of Membership
What’s in it for you?

Full Tuition and Cash Scholarships
EANGUS and NGAUS have Scholarships available each year for service members and their spouses. EANGUS provides over a dozen Full Tuition Scholarships for Enlisted Service members of their State Associations, and NGAUS has two Full Tuition Scholarships to Grantham University. There are also Scholarship Funds for Service Members to complete their higher education at a variety of Institutions. Application windows are open January 1 thru May 31 of each year.

Legislative Efforts
ENGAFL works in conjunction with EANGUS and NGAUS to move legislation forward that improves the work environment of our National Guard members and their families. We are currently supporting the COVID-19 Benefits for Active Duty Servicemembers, the Reserve Components, and their Survivors Act of 2020. This legislation would create an avenue for guardsmen to apply for disability compensation if they develop a disability or illness as a result of exposure during a COVID-19 Activation.

We Care for America
The We Care for America Foundation is dedicated to providing emergency financial assistance to the men and women of the National Guard and their families. Each day, our National Guard members support their communities and protect our Nation and we want to be there when they are affected by a catastrophic personal hardship, a declared national disaster, or a nationwide-pandemic. Apply for assistance, or make a donation by using the bottom below. Huge Thank You to USAA for supporting We Care for America!
National Guard Association of Florida’s Patriot Partners
Call (904) 823-0628 to become a member!
NGAFL is bless to have continued support of many corporte partners. We developed a program to allow corporate partners to pledge their support to our citizen soldiers and airmen of the Florida National Guard. Weather you want to be a Patriot Partner and have a booth at our annual conference, advertise on our Resource page or sponsor scholarships, we welcome your support at a level that works for you. For information on becoming a part of our program click the link below for call us.
Why Join Us
Stronger Together
When lobbing Congress for you, the more members we have the louder our voice. Numbers matter in Washington D.C.
Added Benefits
Becoming a member entitles you to discounts and benefits, such as scholarships, discounts, life insurance, AUSA membership, and more.
Networking Opportunities
Every great business man or woman know how important networking in to their career. Being involved in ENGAF, EANGUS, NGOA or NGAUS, will give you opportunities to interact with top leaders in Florida, as well as the national level leaders in the National Guard. If you are looking for more exposure, consider being on the Executive Council or Chair one of our Committees.
Leadership Roles
We are looking for people to be Committee members or serve on our Executive Council. Committee positions include: Membership, Finance, Bylaws, Scholarship, Jr Enlisted, and Legislative committees. We need volunteers for events a few times a year, including our annual State Conference.